Our convictions, our experience and our work have been inspired by the Lord and our desire is that it be a fragrance to the Lord (2 Corinthians 2:12-17).
We have been obedient to His calling and we have expanded to and are now serving in Guatemala City, the Northeastern Region and the Western Region.
Poverty exists because of sin in the world and the presence of an enemy who wants to use us far from Him. But poverty has a solution! Our work model + divine intervention = transformed lives. For 35 years Potter´s House has studied poverty and has worked with the poor to developed effective programs that promote the development and personal growth.
We have been called to share the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ. In doing this, we cannot ignore the needs we encounter. Surviving on less than $2 a day, the needs are many so tangible help accompanies the message we share. Our holistic programs and services allow us to reach more than 25,000 Treasures a year in three regions in Guatemala.
To learn more about our work model click here: 3-1-3